How to Buy ANDX on JustSwap

Arrano Network
Mar 27, 2021


Add token and Start Trading

Guide by Arrano Network to help you understand how to Buy ANDX on JustSwap through TRX and USDT. The ANDX token is also listed on other exchanges too
Buy ANDX on JustSwap with TRX and USDT

This article will help you buy ANDX on JustSwap using TRX and TUSD.

Step 1: Connect Wallet

Visit and Connect your wallet or Open this link on your TronLink or Tron wallet browser.

Step 2: Add Address

Go to “ Swap “ and enter this address in “ To (estimated ) “ feild


  • You will see ANDX token ( logo ) Select it

Step 3 : Swap

You can now Swap ANDX with TRX and USDT



Arrano Network

A collaborative workspace for the development of fair crypto products like Decentralized Ex, P2P, Launchpad. Powered by ANO and ANDX tokens.