ANDX token will be issued on Binance Chain to unlock more value.

Arrano Network
2 min readFeb 27, 2021


Swap, Store, and trade on the BSC network

Arrano Network’s ANDX token will issued on Binance Smart Chain ( BEP2) network. The platform will also held a Swap of ERC20 to BEP2 option for those who wish to switch their tokens. ANDX token will also be listed on Pancake swap and other bianance based Dex , for the first and then goes to Ethereum and Tron based exchanges.
Swap ANDX from ERC20 to BEP2 (

A Good News for Arrano Network Community contributors and ANDX token holders.

ANDX token is now issued also on Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) as part of our solution to high-ranging gas fees and finding new opportunities into growing higher value of the token.

ANDX BEP2 Smart Contract : 0xb63a911ae7dc40510e7bb552b7fcb94c198bbe2d

  • ANDX token will be among the first multi-chain coin to issue on BEP20 along worth ERC and TRX networks
  • The token will be open to Bridge Swap between ERC20 to BEP20 for the existing holders and new buyers in the pre-sale phase.
  • This initiative was taken into action due to high ranging Gas Fee on Ethereum and also looking at the new opportunities.
  • ANDX is projected to be listed on PanCake Swap and other Binance based exchanges.
  • Arrano Network will be submitting an application to the Binance Chain community to get listed on Binance DEX

How do I Swap?

The Swap will be open by 3rd march and proper guidance will be provided to users to navigate through the successful swapping from the website.

Before you swap you can add the token your Same Metamask or TrustWallet app.

Click here to know how to add ANDX BEP20 to wallet

Where do I buy ANDX now?

ANDX token is the DeFi token of Arrano Network with the supply of 81800 only and the Pre-Salke of ANDX is just about to end.

You can buy ANDX at a low price from here :

Some FAQ’s

  • Is it mandatory to Swap from ERC20 to BEP20?

No, it's not necessarily required to Swap, It is an option being provided to overcome the Gas fee issue on the Ethereum network and also to fund new opportunities.

  • What about users who bought from TRX?

TRX users can also Swap the token to BEP2 and also choose to stay on TRX itself.

  • When can I trade ANDX tokens and Where?

ANDX is projected to be listed on Pancake swap / another binance based swap at the start before 10th march and later to other exchanges of ETH and TRX network.

For any queries related to this, please reach:


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Arrano Network
Arrano Network

Written by Arrano Network

A collaborative workspace for the development of fair crypto products like Decentralized Ex, P2P, Launchpad. Powered by ANO and ANDX tokens.

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